Rajkot-Morbi  Road,

At & PO : Gauridad          

Rajkot 360 003. Gujarat. India.


: +91-281-2924154














  1.  Library Advisory Committee (Under Review)                                     


  1.  Library Budget/Finances (Under Review)                                                                                                                                                                                                          


  1.  Procurement of Learning Resources                                                                           

   3.1 Books

   3.2 Journals

   3.3 e-Resources


  1.  Circulation Desk: Borrowing Privileges                                     


  1.  Collection Development                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   


  1.  Stack Room /Display Area Management                                                                                                                                                                                                            


  1.  Stock Verification and Procedure to Withdraw Books

 (Under Review)        



   8.  User Services

                                8.1 Issue/Returns

                             8.2 Library Timings

                             8.3 Reference Service

                             8.4 Information Literacy/Library Orientation

                             8.5 Inter Library Loan

                             8.6 Photocopying Services


   9.    ICT Services Division                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

                            9.1 Online E - Journals:
  9.2 Document Delivery Services
                            9.3 Digital Library Services

                            9.4 Cyber Library

                            9.5 Licenses and Fair Use of e-Resources



   10 Physical Ambiences:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

                            10.1 Cleanliness

                            10.2 Electricity and Water and Ventilation

                            10.3 Floor Plan and Direction/Guideposts



11. Library Staff Performance
                            11.1 Clearly defined Job Descriptions at all levels

                            11.2 Quarterly Work Plan and Predefined, agreed Targets for achievement

                            11.3 General Conduct

                            11.4 Department Performance Audit by Half yearly

                            11.5 Yearly Reports about Library Functioning


12. General Rules and Regulations of Library                                                                                                                                                                                                                       




0. Introduction

MEFGI’S Library has always been striving hard to meet the expectations of its users. 5 qualified professionals run the library assisted by about 3 support staff. However, there has been a long felt need to bring clarity and uniformity in procedures and practices of the library and resource centre so as to further improve its efficiency, utility and services. Director has recommended that all resource centers must have an operational manual where in all the rules, regulations, procedures are clearly spelt out. The manual touches upon all important functional modules of the library and delineates a clear policy as to how the activities of the library like collection development, provision of information services, management of other academic support facilities.


Library Manual:

Library manual is a source of information, a constitution which lists out all departments, sections and their functions, procedures and policies within the library. It is a source that library staff will consult whenever there is any confusion about any function or procedure. Lot of efforts goes into the preparation of the manual. It goes through a series of meetings with all authority personnel where the procedures and functions and policies are deliberated in detail, over and again to draft the final policy. Hence, a Library Manual goes through a validation process before it is finally accepted as a policy document.


Role of Library:

Library plays a very critical role in supporting the academic programmes of the institute. It identifies, evaluates, procures, processes and then makes these learning resources available to the faculty and students for their teaching, learning and research assignments. That is why, DR. S. R. Ranganathan, father of library Science development in India has famously said that the Library is the trinity of Learning Resources, Faculty/Students and the Library Staff.


1. Library Advisory Committee (LAC)

2. Library Budget /Finances

3. Procurement of Learning Resources


           Procurement of learning resource constitutes the primary responsibility of library. Library makes a systematic effort in building up the collection development by identifying, evaluating, selecting, processing and making it available to the users. Whether it’s a book, journal or an online database, any learning resource that gets added goes through a rigorous selection process. And since this collection building requires huge sums of money and has long-lasting repercussions, it is very much essential that libraries have a well thought out collection development policy.


3.1 Procurement of Books/Reports:

a)   Faculty can recommend the books to be procured for their courses and research through prescribed online Books Requisition Form.

b)   Students/Research Scholars can also recommend the books for procurement provided their recommendation is endorsed by a concern faculty member.

c)    Library Staff will confirm the availability of the books in the library and also confirm the price of the books.

d)   All faculty indents will be routed through the approval of Registrar, Director and Vice Chairman .

e)   Purchase Orders will be issued by the Librarian. The ordering can be done by print, online, e-mail, etc., depending upon the convenience of the library with standard terms and conditions.

f)     Appoint a Panel of Vendors based on their performance like response to the queries, speed of supply, adherence to the terms and conditions, etc.

g)    Updating vendor panel from time to time based on their performance is a continuous activity and this should be done by ordering books to test vendors.

h)   A panel should have at least 3 Vendors.

i)     There are also cases where the documents/books can be obtained only from specific sources, standard agencies – who are not on the panel.

j)     Online book procurement policy.



3.12   Terms and conditions for Vendors

a)   Supply of publications at current catalogue prices.

b)   Foreign Exchange rates to be charged according to Good Offices Committee Report (GOC) Rates.

c)    Minimum 30 % discount to be fixed for all.

d)   In the case of short/no discount titles or titles procured from abroad against specific orders (like institutional/society publications), the supplier may charge 15% on the net landed cost of the publication. The invoice of publication may be worked out as follows:

Published price minus (-) discount earned plus (+) 15% handling charges of the ­overseas agent if any. To this is to be added the actual freight, clearance, bank and postal charges; documentary evidence is to be given to library for such charges on demand.

e)   No discount for Central and State Government publications.

f)     Wherever advance payment is required, the same may be made through the prior approval and a record thereof should be maintained.

g)    Certificates on bills by Library (a) only latest editions have been supplied (b) prices have been correctly charged in accordance with the publisher’s latest catalogue.

h)   Unless otherwise mentioned on the books, all bills to carry the price proof (like photocopy of publishers catalogue, print out from publishers online catalogue, distributors invoice to the vendor)

i)     The Purchase Order issued will be valid for only 20 days unless otherwise mentioned.

3.13 Procurement Process

                     I.    Initiation of Acquisition:


·         Receiving Recommendations by online book requisition form.

·         Find out the Exact details of the Title recommended

·         Duplicate Checking

·         Correspond with Suppliers/vendors for checking Availability Status

·         Put up for Approval (Registrar, Director and Vice Chairman)

·         Prepare and Issue Purchase Orders


                    II.    Accessioning

·         Accessioning : Enter the details of the Invoice and Books in Accession Register

·         Assign Accession Numbers to Titles in Computer Purchase Bills

·         Pass entries in Bill Register and forward bills

·         Maintain Bill File

·         Maintain Bill Register Data in EXCEL Sheet for reporting


                  III.    Invoice Processing:


·         Receive Books from Suppliers/Vendors

·         Crosschecking with Purchase Orders,

·         Foreign Exchange Rate Verification as per Good Offices Committee Report rates,

·         Price Proof Verification for Foreign Publications and for books on which price is not mentioned ( Photocopy of the Publisher catalogue, Print out from the Publisher’s Website, photocopy of the invoice received by the supplier from the distributor)

·         Prepare Book Received Report (BRR) on database

·         Prepare Purchase Bill (PB) on database


                  IV.    Classifying


·         Classify Books/Thesis/Dissertations as per the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) Schedule

·         Assign Cutter Numbers

·         Write the Class No, Cutter No and Collation on the back of Title page


                   V.    Cataloguing:

·         Bibliographic Details of each book is entered into Cataloguing Module database according to AACR2 Standards

·         Assigning Keywords : Minimum three keywords are assigned to each title

·         Data validation: Regular editing of various access points in the database like Author, Title, Class No, etc.

·         Making Analytical Entries, wherever needed.


                  VI.    Processing Books:

·         Stamping – Library Stamp to be put on the Title page, on Secret page and on the Last page.

·         Paste RFID Tags and labels on the back of the Front Page.

·         Paste Spine Label on the spine of the book and laminate it with Cello tape.

·         Prepare Book cards.

·         Send the completely ready to use new arrivals to New Additions Rack, Reference Section or Reserve Shelf, as the case may be.


                VII.    Institute Material like Dissertation/Thesis/Reports and the Books received as Gift


·         These items to be treated like books for processing, etc.

·         Books received as Gifts will be treated as Gratis items and during cataloguing mention as “Gratis by______” in Vendor details column.


               VIII.    Financial Planning/Budgeting:

·         Monthly Utilization Report: Grants/Account wise

·         Inform Faculty/Project In charge about the status of funds every two months

·         Initiate utilization of funds in advance so that funds are utilized before the deadlines set in.

·         Prepare proposals/ requests for mobilizing funds for the acquisition


              IX.    Reports to be generated (Monthly)

·         No. of Requests Received from Faculty

·         No. of Titles Recommended

·         Status of the recommended titles( Already Library has, Out of Print, Untraced)

·         No. of Titles Ordered

·         No. of Titles received( Success rate)

·         No. of Titles received as Gifts/Donations

·         “New Additions Bulletin” (Monthly)

·         Book Received information to recommending faculty ( through ERP System )


                   X.    Vendor Follow Up:


·         Titles Not Supplied

·         Reminders to Suppliers fortnightly

·         After checking the inability of one supplier, redirecting the Order to another supplier


3.2 Subscriptions of Journals:

3.21 Availability of funds

·         Ensure that adequate number of journals according to the criteria of AICTE handbook and recurring/annual funds are available for the Journals Subscription/renewals etc. as required.

3.22 Procedure for preparing a panel of vendors: Library should have a panel of vendors for different kinds of documents with following criteria:

i.             Registration number obtained under shop act, age of the organization

ii.           Performance: Response to the correspondence, speed of supply, adherence to the terms and conditions

iii.         Experience by the peers

iv.          PAN/TAN, Sales / VAT tax number (if applicable)

v.            Publishers that a vendor supports

vi.          Vendors turnover having at least 10 times of the value of the order (for the journals subscriptions)

vii.        Updating panel from time to time based on the performance of the vendor is a continuous activity and this should be done by ordering books to test vendors.

viii.       Based on the performance, the panel should have least number of vendors

3.23 Terms and conditions:

i.             Supply of periodicals at current catalogue prices.

ii.           Sign an Agreement with the vendors in case of Foreign Journals (Ref: Annexure-2)

iii.         Proof of GOC exchange rates having prices in foreign currencies as on the date/month of invoice for the remittance journal subscriptions

iv.          Wherever advance payment is required, the same may be made and a record thereof should be maintained

v.            Normally there is no discount on the journals (add service charges)

vi.          Certificates on bills: prices have been correctly charged in accordance with the publisher’s latest catalogue.

vii.        Library should not subscribe journals against ‘personal subscriptions’. However, Journals received against institutional membership are acceptable.

viii.       Journal subscription payments: The payment towards the journal subscriptions could be made (a) directly to the publisher or (b) through the subscription agent(s)/ vendor(s).

ix.          In case of vii(b) following options are available:

a)   All subscriptions should be made through the Library only and the amount paid to the publishers/vendors by the vendors against firm orders after receiving one of the following documentary proofs:

·         After direct confirmation from publishers/vendors that the journals are subscribed in the name of the Institute (i.e. MEFGI, Rajkot - here and thereafter)

·         Proof for remittance: (i) Invoice/Bill in duplicate should be provided by the publisher/vendor (ii) Publishers’ Renewal Letter/Notice mentioning the subscription price/cost (e.g. Indian journals) (iii) Even print out of the publishers’/journal’s official website can also be considered wherein the proper invoice/bill etc. not received by the publisher/s. (iv) a copy of the letter sent to the publisher giving details of the journals for which remittance has been made and (v) copy of demand draft issued by bank attested by the bank or a letter from the bank giving details of remittance (if the payment is made by foreign currency draft obtained from the bank)

·         Publisher’s acknowledgement of receipt of payment or letter from bank as a proof regarding the final remittance to the publisher (if the payment is made from vendor’s foreign currency account)

b) Advance payment against bank guarantee (Ref: Annexure-3). The bank guarantee can be released only after receiving any of the above documents/proofs as spelt in (viii a) above.

x.            Missing issues: Replace original missing issues or publishers certified and reproduced copy or extend the subscription period equivalent to corresponding period or refund either in the form of credit note or Demand Draft or Cheque.

xi.          Claims: Missing issues/delayed supply of the journal issues can be claimed on quarterly basis.

xii.        Online access: Negotiate with the publishers/vendors and arrive at win-win situation regarding electronic version of the print subscriptions and get access to such materials.

xiii.       Try to enforce terms to the publishers/vendors in form of the pricing, access to the back volumes, locking period, perpetual access, archival rights, governing laws, training and awareness programmes, immunity, access to the walk-in-users, usage statistics, simultaneous access, etc.

xiv.       There are no standard/uniformly acceptable terms that are yet to be established in this area, as this is almost virgin and challenging field. Hence go on with mutually benefiting terms and conditions while dealing with the vendors which can be revised time to time.

xv.         Consortium: Since the Institute has access to the ‘INDEST’ care should be taken to check for duplication before placing any order.

xvi.       Trial Access: Many a times publishers propose for trial access to their respective journals collections which can be made accessible through the Institute’s IP numbers to supplement the existing journals collection whenever possible.


3.24 Ordering journals:

                     i.   Compile priority list with the approval of library advisory committee and the Director

                   ii.   Adhere to the Terms and Conditions of the Library

                 iii.   Budget estimate based on the costs, currency conversion

                  iv.   Place orders from available options as indicated in terms and conditions

                    v.   Payment against the original and proper invoice/bill/renewal notice etc.


3.25 Receipt of and access to the materials:

Check-in system:

                     i.        Ensure that the items received are as per the order/ access is enabled to the desired resource

                  ii.        Timely display of the Loose Issues of the periodicals on the respective display racks.

                    iii.        Linking to the online content wherever applicable

                  iv.        Accessioning the virtual resources should not be done since they do not exist in physical form.

                    v.        Accompanying materials such as CDs/DVDs etc are being preserved at the Audio/Video Centre of the Library. Other than CDs/DVDs are kept with the Periodicals Section.


Certification/ notification against advance payments:

                             i.        The invoices/bills and documentary proofs be duly scrutinized by library. The invoices/bills duly certified by the Head of the library or his/her designated authority are sent to Accounts Section for payment.

                           ii.        In case of advance payment, after the receipt of the document the necessary entry should be made in records to close down the outstanding balance.

                         iii.        A proper Bill Register to be maintained to record all the payments sought/made


3.26 Gratis and Exchange Periodicals:

                             i.        The documents relevant to the scope of the Institute’s study and research areas be added and accessioned in the collection

                           ii.        Try to get the free/discounted subscription/s to the periodical/s wherever possible.

                         iii.        Gratis may be accepted from the Institute’s faculty, scholars, or outside institutes and organizations of similar interest.

                          iv.        Avoid duplication unless essential

                            v.        Find good place for the documents that are not relevant to the Institute

                          vi.        No need to maintain a separate collection/s

                        vii.        There should be a proper record of gratis items and can be acknowledged appropriately

                       viii.        Journals under ‘Exchange and Free Subscription’ can be treated as regular subscriptions and article entry is advised to be done in the Library Database and the completed volumes will be bound and accessioned and archived.




3.27 Archiving and Weeding Out

      In order to provide better access to the frequently consulted literature, back volumes are archived in a less active storage area. Though the library gets access to the back volumes online from the publisher’s websites, etc., the print volumes of these journals also be considered for archiving in less active storage area. Adequate space should be provided for archival storage to Library if not available.


The following categories of materials can be considered for weeding out:

                             i.        Ephemeral material (e.g. newsletters, progress reports, pamphlets) including those materials that lose value after a certain period of time such as: annual reports, directories, yearbooks, etc. These are weeded out annually.

                           ii.        Duplicate issues of the journals may not necessarily be weeded out even the volumes are bound. They can be passed on to other institute/organization’s Library to seek the prospect readers.

3.28 Other Resources Managed:

Other than Journals:

A variety of other information resources are received and displayed for use in the Periodicals Section which is being received free of charge, viz:

                     i.        Complimentary Loose issues of Journals

                   ii.        Annual Reports

                 iii.        Working Papers

                  iv.        Occasional Papers

                    v.        Discussion Papers

                  vi.        Technical/Trend Reports

                vii.        Brochures

               viii.        Prospectus etc.

                                              And, the receipt should be acknowledged timely and oblige.

Non-Book Materials

                                       A small collection of Non-Book Materials such as Audio Cassettes, Video Cassettes/VHSs, Microfilms, Microfiche, 35mm films, Psychological Tests, Booklets, and Posters etc is being maintained at the Periodicals Section and enlisted in a computer file (MS-Excel). These materials are open to all our Library users.

3.29 Maintenance of Records:

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  The transactions of all the activities/procedures/etc. in the Periodicals Section should be carefully and properly recorded for the relevant information and documentation. In this regard apart from the automated system, the section maintains the following documents for keeping the records:

                                     i.        Periodicals Record Registers

                                   ii.        Bills Register

                                 iii.        Gratis Journals Record Register

                                  iv.        Various Files


3.3 Procurement of e-Resources

i.             Large opportunities exist in this area for negotiation with the publishers/ resource providers and arrive at win-win situation. E-journals, e-books, databases, etc., are the resources available in electronic form and one can have virtual access to these.

ii.           There exist many pricing models. The libraries can adopt the model depending on various factors. The libraries have to decide based on the estimated usage and cost to go for any of the access.

iii.         Experiences indicate that the young generation of users is for the e-access and therefore there is a need to have a major shift of our print resources to e-resources. This would also resolve other management issues.

iv.          One can enforce terms to the publishers/vendors in form of the pricing, access to the back volumes, locking period, perpetual access, archival rights, governing laws, training and awareness programmes, immunity, access to the walk-in-users, usage statistics, simultaneous access, etc.

v.            There are no standard/ uniformly acceptable terms that are yet to be established in this area, as this is almost virgin and challenging field.

vi.          Since the INDEST consortium is providing access to large number of resources to Institutes, care needs to be taken that institute gets maximum number of e journals from that consortia.

vii.        In case of termination of the agreement or on expiry of the agreement, the licensor shall provide the full-text of the e-journals entered into agreement and for the period of agreement on the prevalent state of art formats i.e. DVDs, CDs, etc., with the retrieval software.

viii.     E-books are becoming a common reality. Like journals it is essential that the access to these resources be provided taking in to account current pricing models and trends in usage.


4. Circulation Section (Desk):


Circulation Section handles the Front Desk operations of the library and is very important because it is the first contact point for faculty and users to the library. Efficient functioning Circulation Desk leaves a lasting impression on the user and hence it is very important section of the library. Major Activities of the Section are:

a)   Issue and returns of Learning Resources (Primarily Books).

b)   Attending the Users’ query for effective interpretation of library rules and regulations.

c)    Registration of new Members and issue of Library Membership Card for Users.

d)   Inter Library Loan Service.

e)   Operation of “Circulation Module” of Library Management Software KOHA.  Maintenance and updating of all data related to users at Circulation desk in KOHA software.

f)     Sending Reminders to users for overdue documents.

g)    Display of Books during Seminars/Workshops.

h)   Maintenance of Compendiums. 

i)     Correspondence & No Due issuing.

j)    Library Orientations/Information Literacy.

k)    Assisting the users for accessing OPAC and Reference.

l)     Assigning Library Staff duties for Saturdays/Sundays.

4.10 Issue/Return procedure


Issue/Return of library materials is the routine operation of any library. Proper flowchart/sequence of activities to be followed to issue and receive the library books is defined as followed:


While Issuing Book:

·         Quickly glance the book for any damage

·         Ensure that the User writes the details and signs on the Book card.

·         Enter details into Issue shelf kiosk


While receiving the books:

·         Quickly glance the book for any damage

·         Check Due dates for necessary action

·         Cancel the entries in Book Card

·         Charge books as per RFID security System

·         Send them to Stack for Shelving


4.11 Loan Criteria/Borrowing entitlements for faculty/Students/Admin


Clearly define the number of items that the user is eligible to borrow:




Sr. No.






Engineering UG Students


3 Books for 15days

1 Rs. Per Day

Reference Books

Not Allowed.

N. A.

Journals Back Volumes

1 Back Volume for three Days.

5 Rs. Per Day

Audio Video Materials

Student can copy these Materials within the Library Premises.



Engineering PG Students


4 Books for 15days

1 Rs. Per Day

Reference Books

1 Book for Overnight.

50 Rs. Per Day If student not returns before 12.00 pm

Journals Back Volumes

1 Back Volume for three Days.

5 Rs. Per Day

Audio Video Materials

Student can copy these Materials within the Library Premises.



MBA + PGDM + MCA Students


4 Books for 15days

1 Rs. Per Day

Reference Books

1 Book for Overnight.

50 Rs. Per Day If student not returns before 12.00 pm

Journals Back Volumes

1 Back Volume for three Days.

5 Rs. Per Day

Audio Video Materials

Student can Copy these Materials within the Library Premises.


Teaching Staff: (Director/Dean/Sr. Faculty/Faculty/Pro-term faculty/Teaching Assistant/Visiting faculty)

Sr. No.








30 Books for 1 semester


Reference Books

5 Books for 1 Week.

N. A.

Journals Back Volumes

5 Back Volumes for 1 week.


Audio Video Materials

5 CDs/DVDs for 1 Week.





25 Books for 1 semester


Reference Books

3 Books for 1 Week.

N. A.

Journals Back Volumes

3 Back Volumes for 1 week.


Audio Video Materials

3 CDs/DVDs for 1 Week.



Sr. Faculty


25 Books for 1 semester


Reference Books

2 Books for 1 Day.

N. A.

Journals Back Volumes

2 Back Volumes for 3 Days.


Audio Video Materials

2 CDs/DVDs for 1 Week.





20 Books for 1 semester


Reference Books

1 Book for Overnight.

N. A.

Journals Back Volumes

2 Back Volumes for 3 Days.


Audio Video Materials

2 CDs/DVDs for 1 Week.



Proterm Faculty


15 Books for 1 semester


Reference Books

1 Book for Overnight.

N. A.

Journals Back Volumes

2 Back Volumes for 3 Days.


Audio Video Materials

2 CDs/DVDs for 1 Week.



Teaching Assistant


10 Books for 90 days  i. e. 3 months


Reference Books

1 Book for Overnight.

N. A.

Journals Back Volumes

2 Back Volumes for 3 Days.


Audio Video Materials

2 CDs/DVDs for 1 Week.



Visiting Faculty


5 Books for the 1 Month.


Reference Books

Not Allowed.

N. A.

Journals Back Volumes

Not Allowed.


Audio Video Materials

Not Allowed.





4.12 Documents that Can and cannot be borrowed


Books that can be borrowed:


  • Books from the Lending Section can be borrowed.
  • Loose back issues of magazines can be borrowed.


Books that cannot be borrowed:


  • Reference Books cannot be borrowed.
  • Journals Bound Volumes, Loose issues of journals and the latest available issue of the magazines are to be referred within library premises and are not available for issuing out.
  • CD ROMS, DVDs and audio video cassettes cannot be borrowed.
  • Dissertations/Project Works submitted by MEFGI Students are not issuable.



4.12 Reservations Process


·         Users can reserve any book from OPAC and from their account also.

·         One can reserve only the issued books.

·         Once the book gets returned, Library Staff will cancel the reservation after 3 days.


4.13 Loss or Mutilation of documents by Students


·         Library materials are to be handled with care.

·         If a book is lost or mutilated beyond usable condition, then the book has to be replaced with the same or latest edition of that book and he/she has to pay Rs. 50/- as processing charges.

·         If the book is out of print, then three times the cost of the book has to be paid to the library.

·         If the book is reported (in writing) as lost/ misplaced, the overdue charges are not levied in such case from the date of report until the same is replaced(it must be resolved within one months)


4.12 Day Membership/Visitors Access (Under Reviewed)


·         All students/researchers from outside MEFGI who wants to utilize the library are allowed to utilize the library services if they produce valid identity cards and register as day members by paying library fee of Rs.15.00


4.13 Theft/Misuse of Library resources:


·         The theft or abuse of Library resources like books, journal issues, reports, and dissertations will be viewed very seriously.

·         Each case will be examined to ascertain its genuineness and the matter will be reported to the LAC/Director for further action.



5. Collection Development


                                                          All academic and research libraries have a common objective to provide its users the information they want.  The effectiveness of this function is directly related to collection development and organization information services. Collection development being the most important of these primary functions, a written acquisition policy outlining the various procedures and methods necessary for collection development is prepared.


5.1     Strength and weakness of the existing collection

Institute is starting several new courses. From the seven programmes, now MEFGI offers 5 post graduate programmes.  In relation to these new programmes, Library must make special provision in the budget to strengthen the new programmes with minimal learning resources. Based on the observations, an effort should be done to add books, journals and e-Resources in the area of the new programme.

5.2    Shift towards e-resources

Because of the conveniences like multiple access and anywhere, anytime access, there is a considerable demand for online databases, e-journals and e-books. MEFGI also has excellent access infrastructure 2mbps broadband internet, Wi-fi connectivity in the campus. These e-resources can also be accessed from whole campus. Hence, emphasis may be given more towards e-resources.



6. Stack Room /Display Area Management


Collection Organization plays a very important role in ensuring the optimum utilization of the books, journals kept in the library. Presently, the learning resources are stacked/displayed in the following categories:


  • General Stack Area (Spread across ground floor for books/bound Volumes)
  • Reserve Shelf Collection(consisting of books in high demand, Thesis/Dissertations, Students’ project Reports)
  • Reference Section (Consisting of Encyclopedias, Dictionaries, Manuals, etc)
  • News paper/Magazine Display Area (Ground Floor)
  • Journal Display Racks


It is essential that all efforts are carried out by the library for pleasant display and quick retrieval of books/journals by the users. Library must ensure that:


  • All the books removed from the stacks are replaced back in their shelves at least twice a day
  • Each unit of Stack to have a designated Library Attendant
  • Shelf Reading must be done continuously to look for misplaced books
  • Books reported untraced by users be traced in the quickest possible time with documentation like when the request was received and when it was solved
  • The stacks should be properly labeled with subject guides and Class Number Guides



7. Stock Verification and Procedure to Withdraw Books

8. User Services


8.1 Issue/Returns: As mentioned in detail in 4.0 Circulation Desk


8.2 Library Timings


Library Timings are as follows:


During Academics:


Monday- Saturday            7.45 a.m. to 8.00 p.m.


Sundays                          10.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.

Issue/Return Timings

Monday- Saturday            8.00 a.m to 6.00 p.m.


Sunday                           No Issue/Return



During Exam/Reading Vacation:


Monday- Saturday            7.45 a.m. to 10.00 p.m.


Sundays                         10.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.


Issue/Return Timings

Monday- Saturday           8.00 a.m. to 7.00 p.m.


Sunday                         No Issue/Return




The Library remains closed on all Public Holidays.



8.3 Reference Service


Library houses all important reference sources like Encyclopedias, Dictionaries, handbooks and Manuals, Statistics, Yearbooks. The collection ranges from general to subject specific sources. All the reference sources are housed in the First floor Reference section.  Users can also contact staff on duty for any assistance.

Library also has access to online reference sources which may be accessed from the library website.




8.4 Information Literacy/Library Orientation


Library will conduct Information Literacy/User Education/Orientation programmes to all in the beginning of the academic year. Besides this, these awareness programmes should be conducted when requested by users from time to time.


8.5 Inter Library Loan


Library maintains  an inter library loan arrangement with leading local libraries of the city. Apart from this, library also has membership with DELNET and BRITISH LIBRARY, Ahmedabad.


Hence, all possible efforts must be made to make available the learning resources needed for the faculty and students.


8.6 Photocopying Services


Presently library maintains one photocopying machine. Two operators are appointed to provide photocopying service in shift basis.

  i. ) MEFGI Staff - Only printing page required

  ii ) MEFGI Student - 50 paisa / Page.

  iii ) Other - 2 Rs / Page.





9. ICT Services Division


9.1 Online E - Journals:


The MEFGI is one of the AICTE approved institutes.  AICTE has set up the programme to promote use of electronic databases and full text access to e-journals by the research and Academic community of the country. Online databases are accessible via the Library Homepage, which provide access to full-text scholarly research articles beyond the physical wall of the MEFGI.


Sr. No


No. of



Subscription Duration





01/01/2012 to 31/12/2012





01/01/2012 to 31/12/2012





01/01/2012 to 31/12/2012





01/01/2012 to 31/12/2012


McGraw Hill



01/01/2012 to 31/12/2012





01/01/2012 to 31/12/2012





01/01/2012 to 31/12/2012



13000 Articles + 1700 E-Books


01/01/2012 to 31/12/2012





01/01/2012 to 31/12/2012





01/01/2012 to 31/12/2012


























9.2 Document Delivery Services:


MEFGI Library will deliver, on demand, the copies of research papers and odd print journals subscribed by the institute and odd full text e-journals, conference   proceedings    and other materials.  Access to all these journals has been provided through Library Portal. 


9.3 Digital Library Services: A State-of-art Digital Library provides seamless access to various CD-ROM Databases, Electronic Theses & Dissertations, In-house Bibliographic and full text Databases, Institutional Repository.



9.4 Cyber Library


The MEFGI Library has set up Cyber Library with over 16 computers working in a networked environment through connectivity provided by LAN. The Online databases like IEEE, Springer Link, will provide access to full text journals.


Salient features of MEFGI Cyber Library


-        Cyber library in a networked environment with 16 computers using a dedicated 2 Mbps leased line

-        Both reading and computing facilities

-        Access to full text online journals through MEFGI portal.

-        Web Cameras for surveillance to enhance security of the library resources




Cyber Library-Acceptable Use and Code of Conduct:


  1. Do Not Connect Your Mobile To Computers.
  2. Do Not Install Any Software Without Prior Permission Of IT Team.                                                                                 
  3. Do Not Download Movies OR Songs.
  4. Do Not Remove LAN Cord, Keyboard And Mouse From The Computers.
  5. Do Not Save Any Document On The Desktop.
  6. Do Not Use Your Pen Drive, CDs OR DVDs.
  7. Keep Your Mobile On Silent Mode.
  8. Eatables are not allowed inside the Cyber Library.
  9. Take Care Of Your Own Belongings.
  10. Turn Off The Computer After Your Work Is Completed.
  11. All Drives Will Be Formatted after Every 15 Days by IT team Without Any Intimation.
  12. IT Team Will Not be Responsible For Any Data Loss
  13. Kindly Co-operate With IT Team For Minimum Downtime Of The Computers.
  14. Please Inform To Library Staff/IT Team In Case Of Any Computers Problem.
  15. Please Keep The Cyber Library Clean.
  16. Keep Silence In Cyber Library.


9.5 Licenses and Fair Use of e-Resources:

                                                                                                                                                                                  The MEFGI LRC subscribes to several electronic journals including full-text electronic resources and bibliographic databases for its members. All electronic resources available and governed by license agreements. The terms and conditions for using these resources are spelled out in license agreements that are signed with each publisher. The licenses for electronic resources impose two types of restrictions on its usage, namely i) who can use these resources; and ii) how the resources can be used. The first restriction defines authorized users for e-resources, which generally includes students, faculty, staff and onsite visitors of a subscribing institution. The second restriction deals with how these resources can be used. It is the responsibility of individual users to ensure that e-resources are used for personal, educational and research purposes only. Most of the agreements entered into by the publishers specify items that users are prohibited to do. Some of them are as follows:


·         Systematic or programmatic downloading, retention, and printing are prohibited. For example, you cannot download entire issue of a journal or print out several copies of the same article.

·         Electronic distribution of content is also restricted although the specific restrictions vary from publisher to publisher. It may be permissible to forward an article to another colleague in your own institution by email, however, transmitting an article to someone outside of the institution, or to a large group of recipients, a mailing list, or an electronic bulletin board, is not allowed.

·         If you are teaching a class, you can print out a copy of an article from an electronic journal and include it in your course pack. However, do not make multiple copies for circulation. Copyright laws protect published material in any format so that it cannot be copied except in accordance with fair use. Providing access to material for educational purposes falls within the realm of fair use.

·         Please ensure that the resource is used for educational and research purposes and not for commercial purposes.

·         Providing electronic links on your course web pages to the Library's licensed resources is permitted but you cannot post the PDF of an article on your website. The publishers' main concern is that people outside of your campus network should not be able to access resources licensed by your institution. However, a researcher can post a pre-print of an article written by himself.

·         As with any kind of scholarly communication, a researcher can use phrases or quotes from other articles and cite the source of information. However, a researcher is prohibited from using large chunk of information (paragraphs and chapters) from an article or from a chapter in a book.






What Happens if the License is Violated ?


Publishers track the use of their electronic resources in terms of number of downloads made by subscribing institution. Misuse, if any, is notified to the subscribing institution with details of kinds of violations and institution is expected to take action. The publisher also suspends the access to e-resource pending suitable action by subscribing institution. The access is stopped not only for journals where license agreement was violated but for all journals by the same publisher. Moreover, the access is suspended not only for the individual violator but for the entire institution.


Conditions of Use and Licensing Restrictions for Electronic Resources


The Consortium subscribes to thousands of electronic journals and bibliographic databases for use by authorized users in member institutions. The terms and conditions for using these resources are spelled out in electronic resource license agreements with each publisher. It is the responsibility of individual users to ensure that the use of electronic resources does not breach the terms and conditions specified in the license agreements. Licenses vary from publisher to publisher; however, the general principles are as follows:



Not Permitted

-        Viewing, downloading, copying, printing and saving a copy of search results

-        Viewing, downloading, copying, printing and saving individual articles

-        Using e-resources for scholarly, educational or scientific research, teaching, private study and clinical purposes

-        Sending a copy of an article to another authorized user (i.e. current faculty, students or staff)

-        Posting the URL to the publisher's version of the article on a class website (publisher links will allow only authorized users access)

-        Use of robots or intelligent agents to do systematic, bulk or automatic downloading is not permitted

-        Systematic downloading or printing of entire journal issues or volumes, or large portions of other e-resources is not permitted

-        Using e-resources for commercial gain is not permitted (i.e. reselling, redistributing or republishing licensed content)

-        Transmitting, disseminating or otherwise making online content available to unauthorized users (i.e. sending to mailing lists or electronic bulletin boards) is not permitted

-        Posting the publisher's version or PDF of an article to an open class website is not permitted (instead, post the URL to the article which will allow only authorized users access)


Breaches of the license agreement with publishers could result in the suspension of access to the resources for the member institutions.


Generic license agreements for all publishers specifying all the terms and conditions of the following databases are available at their respective website.


e-Resources Subscribed by MEFGI Library (LRC)





















Sr. No


No. of



Subscription Duration





01/01/2012 to 31/12/2012





01/01/2012 to 31/12/2012





01/01/2012 to 31/12/2012





01/01/2012 to 31/12/2012


McGraw Hill



01/01/2012 to 31/12/2012





01/01/2012 to 31/12/2012





01/01/2012 to 31/12/2012



13000 Articles + 1700 E-Books


01/01/2012 to 31/12/2012





01/01/2012 to 31/12/2012





01/01/2012 to 31/12/2012


Computer Access-Acceptable Use and Code of Conduct:


Only registered members of the Library are authorized to use the Computers, Internet facility or to access e-Resources. Prior to such authorization, the students must sign and return the Library Registration Form acknowledging their responsibilities and the consequences of violation. 

Students are expected to observe network etiquette by being polite. Students are prohibited from pretending to be someone else; transmitting obscene messages or pictures; revealing personal addresses or telephone numbers-either their own or another person's; or using the network in a way that would disrupt use by others.

The following policy for acceptable use of computers, networks, and system resources, including the Internet and e-resources, shall apply to all TISS administrators, faculty, staff, and students. All technology equipment shall be used under the supervision of the site administrator. Any user who violates any condition of this policy is subject to disciplinary action or administrative sanctions. In addition to any other disciplinary action taken, the Technology Department reserves the right to terminate access to system resources for any user who violates these guidelines.


1.    Every user in whose name a system account is issued will be responsible at all times for its proper use.

2.    Users shall not let other persons use their name, logon, password, or files for any reason

3.    Users shall not use others' system accounts or try to discover another user's password.

4.    Users shall not erase, rename, or make unusable anyone else's computer files, programs or disks.

5.    Users shall not use Computers for any non-instructional or non-administrative purpose, including, instant messaging, online shopping, or personal use of streaming media such as online radio stations or video broadcasts.

6.    Users may not install, download, copy, or distribute copyrighted materials such as software, audio or video, files, graphics, and text without the written permission of the administrator.

7.    Users shall not use the Computers for illegal purposes, in support of illegal activities, or for any other activity prohibited.

8.    Users shall not write, produce, generate, copy, propagate, or attempt to introduce any computer code designed to self-replicate, damage, or otherwise hinder the performance of any computer's memory, file system, or software. Such software is often called a bug, virus, worm, Trojan Horse, or other name. 

9.    Users shall not use Computers to purposefully distribute, create, or copy messages or materials that are abusive, obscene, sexually oriented, threatening, harassing, damaging to another's reputation, or illegal. 

10.  Users shall not use Computers to purposefully access materials that are abusive, obscene, sexually oriented, threatening, harassing, damaging to another's reputation, or illegal. In the event that accidental access to prohibited materials occurs, users are expected to immediately discontinue such access and report the incident either to Library staff or to the administrator.

11.  Users shall not intentionally damage the system, damage information belonging to others, misuse system resources, or allow others to misuse system resources. 

12.  Users shall not alter or vandalize computers, networks, printers, or other associated equipment and system resources. Alteration or vandalism includes, but is not limited to: removal of parts, intentional destruction of equipment, altering system settings or software, installing unauthorized or unlicensed software or programs, attempting to degrade or disrupt system performance, or attempting to make system resources unusable. 

13.  Users shall not use Computers for the forgery or attempted forgery of email messages. Attempts to read, delete, copy, or modify the email of other system users, deliberate interference with the ability of other users to send/receive email, or the use of another person's email account is prohibited.

14.  Users should not use library network for sending and receiving a large number of personal messages, including using group email distribution lists to send non-administrative or non-instructional messages to other users. 



Salient features of the LRC are:


·         Provide seamless, network access to worldwide scholarly information resources of relevance to the academic community, facilitating improved learning, teaching, research, collaboration and information sharing

·         Provide orientation and training to the academic community in making effective use of electronic information sources, tools and services

·         Dedicated Data Centre for e-journals, full text CD-ROM databases in the field of social sciences



10 Physical Ambiences:


10.1 Cleanliness:


Library is a central resource department that is the backbone of all academic programmes of the institute. Students and faculty would be spending their considerable time in library premises pursuing their research and studies. Hence it is very much essential that library has a checking system in place to monitor the cleanliness and hygiene of the library premises like regular sweeping, cleaning and mopping of all floors, and washrooms.


10.2 Electricity and Water and Ventilation

       Library will ensure that these essential things are working at all times and users would not be put to any inconvenience.


10.3 Floor Plan and Direction/Guideposts


                                  Library shall have floor plans designed and proper directions/guideposts for people to move around the library looking for resources/services.



11. Managing the Performance of Library team


MEFGI library is managed by a professionally qualified and competent team. It is suggested that the performance of the team can be optimized by taking the following measures.


11.1 Clearly defined Job Descriptions at all levels


Each member of the library team shall have a clearly defined, unambiguous job description that facilitates and gels with the library’s and then Institute’s Mission and Vision Statements. The organization chart with a clear reporting structure be developed for having effective span of control within the library.


11.2 Quarterly Work Plan and Predefined, agreed Targets for achievement


Each section in the library shall have a Quarterly Work Plan. Here, the works to be carried in the next quarter and the predetermined, agreed targets for achievements will be decided. There will be a review process after the every quarterly for assessment.


11.3 General Conduct


Every member of library team shall exhibit the highest level of professional conduct in discharging their duties. Staffs are expected to be in their sections unless otherwise their work takes them away from the desk. Providing polite and efficient service shall be the motto of the library.


11.4 Department Performance Audit by yearly.


Library will initiate a annual department performance audit wherein the performance of each section of library will be evaluated based on the feedback surveys, user satisfaction surveys. This feedback and evaluation will certainly help library to overcome any lacunae in the facilities and services being provided.





13. General Rules and Regulations:

  1. All the students/scholars and outsiders entering the Library shall deposit their bags and other belongings at the entrance and sign in the Register at the checkpoint. Only notebooks and the Library books to be returned will be allowed inside. Do not to leave any valuables at the Check Point. Library is not responsible for any loss of personal belongings. All files, books and notebooks must be presented to the security guard at the checkpoint for inspection while leaving the Library. Library does not permit any exception in the observance of this rule.


  1. Identity Card is compulsory for  getting access to the library.


  1. Books removed from the shelves by students, if not required for reference, should be kept on the book trolley or on table nearest to them. Please do not try to shelve them yourself. Please remember that a book misplaced is a book lost.


  1. The newspaper(s) should be folded properly after reading and kept back in the designated place.


  1.                   Readers should not deface, mark, cut, mutilate or damage library resources in any way. If anyone is found doing so, he will be charged the full replacement cost of the resource. Books Borrowed should be protected from RAIN, DUST, INSECT, etc.


  1. All the students/scholars are required to bring three copies of their recent photographs (Passport Size) along with the Fee Receipt while applying for Library membership.


  1. All the students are advised to bring their own Reading Cards while using the Library.


  1. The Reserve Shelf book must be returned on the due date between 9.00 am to 10.00 am. And General Shelf books on or before the due date. General Shelf books are issued upto 8.00 pm.


  1. Claim for Reserve Shelf books should be made in the Register maintained at the counter between 8.30 am to 2.00 pm and they should be collected between 3.30 pm to 7.00 pm.


  1. Books are issued to students for overnight during the examination time only.


  1. Compendiums should be issued on reserve shelf card only.


  1. Those students who do not return the books, issued for overnight use, in time, will not be issued any book for a period of 7 days.


  1. All the students who want to return the books issued on their names are advised to wait until the books are shown as cancelled against their names.


  1. The “PASS OUT” slip should be handed over to the security guard at the checkpoint before taking out the issued book/s.


  1. There will be a fine of Rs. 1.00 per General Shelf book and Reserve shelf book, Rs. 2.00.


  16   Students are advised not to issue Books to others on their names.


  1. A fine of Rs.75/- will be charged for the loss of compendium, files and such other reading materials. For book three times of the original price charged.


  1. Coupon for Xeroxing is available at the cash counter in the A/C Section up to 3.00 P.M. The Xeroxing   charge per exposure is 0.50 p. After 3.00 P.M. payment can be made by cash in the library.


  1. Conversation and discussion disturbs library ambience. Therefore, all are requested to maintain dignified silence. If discussion is necessary, the common room should be utilized for the same.


  1. Smoking is not permitted in the Library.


  1. All users are requested to keep their mobiles switched off or in silent mode in the Library.


  1. Beverages and Eatables are not allowed inside the library.


  1. No visitor or guest is permitted to use the Library without the prior permission of the director. He/She is required to produce a proper introduction letter from the concerned Institution/Organization to which he/she is attached. 


  1. No photograph of the Library shall be taken without the prior permission of the Librarian / Library staff.


  1. Library reserves the right to call back any issued book/item at any time.


  1. All research scholars are advised not to keep Library books/journals (loose & bound) inside their cupboard without getting them issued.



  1. All students are advised to come to the Library in decent dress as they are in the classrooms.


  1. Demand and suggestion slips are available at the circulation desk for your use.